Take a web class
Learn more about Adobe Illustrator
Learn Flash
Travel to:
Set foot in all 50 states:
Meet a real cowboy out West on his ranch
Stand in four states at one time
Learn how to can/preserve food
Ride in a limo
Madi Gras
Go deep sea fishing
Stand on the Mexican Border
Go to a real Bull Riding Contest
Visit New York in all it entails
Take a woodworking class
Take a photography class and buy a really expensive camera
Take a painting class
Start up my own graphic design freelance business
Homemake all my own birthday cards for a year
Learn to fly fish
Learn to wake board
Go to a Nascar race and wear a hillbilly race shirt
Learn to snowboard
Help a little old lady cross the street
Ski out West
Learn to dance like the Texans
Eat something CrAzy!
See a tornado in real life (from a far distance)
Finish crocheting my blanket that has been in progress for about 7 years
Learn to play the piano
Read the whole Bible
Go on a really long horseback ride and then camp
See Broadway musicals or others- Phantom, CATS, Evita,
Go to the Kentucky Derby, wear a fancy hat and drink a mint Julip
Be more involved with a church – make cards. Use my abilities.
Find a charity to volunteer with on a regular basis
Learn to ballroom dance
Buy land
Raise some livestock myself
Be a guest on the Oprah show (don't know about this anymore)
Pay off all school loans by April 2013. The original plan was 2023.
Drive out west in an old beat up jeep, sit in the bars and talk to locals along the way
Donate blood
Go scuba diving
White water rafting
Ride in a hot air balloon
Ride in a helicoptor
Go sailing
and finally...
Earn enough money, so I can cross everything off this bucket list!